Jonathan B
Head of IT & Client Services
Education: BA (Hons) Information Systems & Spanish, University of the West of England
My responsibilities at Buffalo:
I lead the IT team, managing data operations across our core services, including Telethons, Giving Days, Donor Debit, MOLE leasing, and Data Capture surveys. My focus is on ensuring these services run efficiently, accurately, and to the highest standards, consistently meeting client expectations.
Why I chose to work for Buffalo:
I saw the opportunity to work for a small, young and prospering company and jumped at it. Buffalo were (and still are!) growing at a fantastic rate and I saw this as an opportunity for me to be able to play a core role in the development of the company.
Desert Island Essentials:
Book - Desert Island Survival Guide - Ray Mears
Record - Brave New World - Iron Maiden
Film - Dumb & Dumber
Luxury Item - Sailing Boat